Roughly 10% of Mexico's population of about 107 million is now living in the United States, estimates show. About 15% of Mexico's labor force is working in the United States. One in every seven Mexican workers migrates to the United States.
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Monday, June 06, 2011

Quakers help Defeat illegal immigration bill in Florida

From their viewpoint:

"Thanks to nonstop protests, vigils, petitions, phone calls, songs and picketing, Florida’s immigration advocates won a victory this week when two anti-immigration bills collapsed in the state legislature. The campaign by the We Are Florida coalition pressured even the bill’s Senate sponsor to vote against it.

From the start, AFSC’s Herman Martinez and Paul-Andre Mondesir actively worked in the coalition’s effort against the bills, which aimed to force local police to act as immigration agents which leads to distrust and increased tension between residents and local law enforcement."

AFSC Helps FL Defeat Anti-Immigrant Bills | American Friends Service Committee

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