Saturday, January 20, 2024
Egypt compared to New York illegals
On January 8, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that 378,504 people have arrived in Egypt since the war in Sudan began in April 2023. Some are legal, but most illegal, and all need humanitarian aid. Now compare that to New York City, which has received about 100,000 illegal immigrants through the U.S. Southern border. We have a functioning government both in New York and in Washington DC. We have the "brightest and best" elites a blue state can offer, with many well-heeled New Yorkers and local churches contributing food, and others complaining and whining that southern governors have caused the problem. It's Congress' responsibility to set immigration law. But the President needs to see that our borders are not overrun with an invasion.
Labels: blue states, Egypt, illegal immigrants, Joe Biden, southern border, Sudan, UN
# posted by Norma : 1/20/2024 08:55:00 AM

Saturday, May 13, 2023
6.5 million illegals
since Joe Biden won a rigged election in 2020. Joe Biden has become the biggest trafficker in human beings since the 18th century--women and children for sex, men and teens for cheap labor. And all of them for future Democrat voters. Slaves, all of them. Are you happy now Democrats?
From the New York Times: Oct. 22, 2021
"A record 1.7 million migrants from around the world, many of them fleeing pandemic-ravaged countries, were encountered trying to enter the United States illegally in the last 12 months, capping a year of chaos at the southern border, which has emerged as one of the most formidable challenges for the Biden administration.
It was the highest number of
illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960, when the government first began tracking such entries. The number was similarly high for the 2000 fiscal year, when border agents caught 1.6 million people, according to government data.
Single adults represented the largest group of those detained in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, at 1.1 million, or 64 percent of all crossers. There were also large numbers of migrant families — more than 479,000, which is about 48,000 fewer than during the last surge in family crossings in 2019.
But the nearly 147,000 children whom agents encountered without parents or guardians was the largest number since 2008, when the government started tallying unaccompanied minors. Finding shelter for these migrant children, until they can be released to relatives or other sponsors in the country, was
one of the president’s earliest challenges. As of Friday, nearly 11,000 remained in government custody.
The crossers hailed from around the globe, many of them seeking economic opportunity as the coronavirus pandemic erased hundreds of millions of jobs. Agents caught people from more than 160 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, with Mexico accounting for the largest share.
A public health rule, invoked by President Donald J. Trump at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 to seal the border, has remained in place under the Biden administration. Over the last 12 months, the Border Patrol has carried out more than one million expulsions of migrants back to Mexico or to the migrants’ home countries. Agents used the public health rule to expel migrants they encountered 61 percent of the time and to expel families 26 percent of the time."
Illegal Border Crossings Soar to Record High, New Data Shows - The New York Times (
Even sluggish, sleepy CNN noticed the problem: October 22, 2022
"It has been an endless cycle since
President Joe Biden took office, according to multiple administration officials and sources close to the White House. Agency officials dream up a plan but then struggle to get White House approval, even as the problem compounds and Republicans step up their criticism.
Frustration is mounting, too, especially among those on the front lines.
“Everything seems to influence each other,” one Homeland Security official told CNN. “Things develop. People change their minds. They lose one battle, and they do this instead.”
“I think they’re at the point where it’s Hail Mary after Hail Mary,” the official added.
As border arrests remain high, officials are grappling with how to stem the flow of migration – resulting in a constant churn of ideas, including processing migrants further from the border."
From Townhall, May 9, 2023
"According to Customs and Border Protection, since January 2021 when Biden took the oath of office, there have been 5,118,661
encounters with illegal immigrants along the southern border. Add to that the number of known "gotaways" — illegal immigrants who were either spotted visually by border agents or detected via unmanned monitoring equipment and not apprehended — since Biden took office, and the number of illegal immigrants who've entered the country is even greater.
Through the first half of Biden's term from January 2021 through January 2023, Customs and Border Protection reported 1.2 million "gotaways." That is, at least 1.2 million illegal immigrants were
confirmed to have unlawfully crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. The actual number of illegal immigrants who entered the country unimpeded is, by nature of the crime, unknown. It could be double the number of known gotaways, it could be three times worse, or more. We just don't know, thanks to Biden's border policies. . . That's just since January of 2021, and now the Biden administration is facing down the expiration of Title 42 on Thursday night [May 11] at 11:59 p.m. ET. The mainstream media has even had to take note of the problem that's only going to get worse along the southern border, but the problem has been getting worse since Biden's first day in office in January 2021. To think that the United States hasn't even seen the worst of Biden's immigration policy is a stark reminder of the very real consequences of President Biden and his administration's abdication of duty and denial of responsibility along America's border."
Newsweek, Biden's policies hurt black Americans May 11, 2023
"Sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C., once falling over themselves to signal their virtue and welcome immigrants, are now calling for a state of emergency and demanding more money from the federal government after tens of thousands of migrants have been forced upon their social welfare programs.
But resistance to importing millions of new Americans whose first act on U.S. soil was to break the law and enter illegally is coming from Black Americans, who are sick of having our fight for equity in this country appropriated by people looking for a better economic outlook."
Biden's Open Border Hurts Black Americans Most of All—and We Know It | Opinion ( Biden Administration, black Americans, borders, Covid-19, Democrats, gotaways, illegal immigrants, Joe Biden, open borders, sanctuary cities, Title 42, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
# posted by Norma : 5/13/2023 06:43:00 PM

Friday, December 24, 2021
There's one good thing about 2021
My blogger/Facebook friend Joan who lives in Rome, Georgia and is a retired teacher and pastor's wife writes that she's found something good about this past year.
"2021 is getting a bad review from a lot of sources; but it sure has had some good parts. For example: I got up this morning (on Christmas Eve no less), brushed my teeth and hair, put on a jacket, and drove to Walmart grocery pickup. I was away from our house less than 15 minutes and came home with all our last-minute groceries. Couldn’t’ve done that a coupla years ago. Didn’t get out of the car, so I didn’t even have to dress - since I sleep in clothes that look like daywear anyway. If I’d had to get dressed and go into the store and do the shopping myself, I’d be totally out of energy now; instead, I can get done what I need to get done today. Win-win 2021!"
Labels: grocery pick-up
# posted by Norma : 12/24/2021 04:06:00 PM

Friday, February 01, 2019
Democrats switch focus from blacks to Hispanics to get votes.
Why are Democrats so determined to go back on their word about the Wall? Why are they now failing native born Americans? The 2020 election. In raw numbers, Pew Research projected 32 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote in 2020, compared with 30 million blacks. Hispanics now outnumber blacks and the attention they get from Democrats show that. The population of Asians eligible to vote will reach an estimated 11 million in 2020, which is more than double the 5 million who were eligible to vote in 2000, accounting for 5% of next year’s electorate.
So Democrats will grovel, lie and smear to suck in Hispanics which are from dozens of countries and they are primarily white. The Anti-Wall hysteria, not the pro-Wall common sense is the new racism--on the part of Democrats. Don't let that happen. Sanctuary cities are hot beds of crime for illegal crime syndicates; Democrats want to destroy the family values of Mexicans, Ecuadoreans, Venezuelans, Hondurans, etc. values that include religion, children, strong work ethic--all the reasons they came here, legally or illegally.
Millions more Africans came to the U.S. as legal immigrants in two decades than the 300,000 who came as slaves in 300 years. Many are Muslims--their family values and their experience with oppressive governments should make them Republicans, not Democrats. Africans have little in common except skin color with native born black Americans--not even President Obama had any roots in that period of history.
Labels: Democratic Party, Pew, The Wall, voters
# posted by Norma : 2/01/2019 11:05:00 AM

Saturday, January 12, 2019
Border security before President Trump
Please read "Border Security: Immigration and Enforcement between Ports of Entry,"
Congressional Research Service, Jan. 6, 2012. Before the dry statistical report (yes, terrorists captured at both the northern and southern border) there is an interesting history about how the immigration laws were created and enforced. You'll see there is nothing in the Trump plan and enforcement that was not listed in this history of illegal immigration (and yes, the correct word is illegal alien) of several administrations. In fact, Obama speeded things up a little. Except. Now there's Trump hatred and progressive insanity, and that changes how the enforcement of law is viewed. This is needed as a club to impeach him.
Note about the term Illegal Alien: it is critical that the left destabilize their enemies (the American citizens) by trying to change the meaning of words. They decide "illegal alien" which is the term our government uses for people who don't follow our laws of work permits, immigration, and tourism, is RACIST, and if you use that term, you are a racist, and if your ethnicity is European, then you are a white supremacist whose words must be caught in Big Tech analytics so you can be silenced.
But to continue. . .
"The first large-scale deployment of the National Guard to the border occurred in 2006-2008, when over 30,000 troops provided engineering, aviation, identification, technical, logistical, and administrative support to CBP as part of “Operation Jump Start.”77 President Obama announced an additional deployment of up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the Southwest border on May 25, 2010, with the National Guard supporting the Border Patrol, by providing intelligence work and drug and human trafficking interdiction.78 The 2010 deployment was originally scheduled to end in June 2011, but the full deployment was extended twice (in June and September 2011) before the Administration announced in December 2011 that the deployment would be reduced to fewer than 300 troops beginning in January 2012."
"The second key element of DHS’s border enforcement strategy is tactical infrastructure, including roads, lighting, pedestrian fencing, and vehicle barriers. Tactical infrastructure is intended to impede illicit cross-border activity, disrupt and restrict smuggling operations, and establish a substantial probability of apprehending terrorists seeking entry into the United States.80 The former INS installed the first fencing along the U.S.-Mexican border beginning in 1990, eventually covering the 14 miles of the border east of the Pacific Ocean near San Diego.
Congress expressly authorized the construction and improvement of fencing and other barriers under Section 102(a) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA; P.L. 104-208, Div. C), which also required (pursuant to Section 102(b)) the completion of a triple-layered fence along the original 14 miles near San Diego. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-367) amended IIRIRA Section 102(b) with a requirement for double layered fencing along five segments of the Southwest border, totaling about 850 miles.81 IIRIRA was amended again by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY2008 (P.L. 110-161). Under that amendment, the law now requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to construct reinforced fencing “along not less than 700 miles of the southwest border where fencing would be most practical and effective and provide for the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors to gain operational control of the southwest border."
Labels: Barack Obama, Border Patrol, Congressional Research Service, CRS, illegal alien, Mexican border, National Guard, Secure Fence Act of 2006
# posted by Norma : 1/12/2019 03:01:00 PM

Fact checking the criminality of the illegal aliens
In President Trump’s speech Tuesday, January 8, 2019 from the Oval Office:
“In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings.”
Trump’s arrest numbers are correct, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement numbers compiled in 2017 and 2018.
The number of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE is the highest since 2014, according to a December report by the agency.
report says 158,581 illegal immigrants were arrested in fiscal year 2018, and 138,117 of those had a criminal history. This is an 11 percent increase over
2017, when 143,470 illegal immigrants were arrested, 127,992 of them with a criminal record.
“The number of people with pending charges arrested by ICE was 48 percent higher in 2018 than in 2017, while arrests of those with criminal convictions dropped slightly,” Reuters reported.
According to
The Washington Post, the report “shows that 145,262 of those deported were convicted criminals and that 22,796 had criminal charges pending against them.”
So why are Democrats against a wall? They were for it before Trump became president.
Labels: criminals, ICE, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, President Donald J. Trump, The Wall, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
# posted by Norma : 1/12/2019 02:53:00 PM

Wednesday, January 09, 2019
Why the Wall matters
$5 billion is pennies for a government that has squandered many billions on programs that have never worked but which will never die, like Head Start. A wall/fence will also not keep out all the bad guys, and yes, it is a political issue because of Trump hatred. Yes, there are terrorists--I mean, let's be real. Why wouldn't they come in under cover that way--they also come in through Canada and valid visas then melt into the population--but we've got our own, so even that isn't the best reason. And yes there is sex trafficking--but also many of the women who come report they have been sexually assaulted along the way on the journey. Why don't they matter to the
#MeToo ladies. The men flooding in are the ones who assault them! Why are they encouraged to make this trip dangling benefits in front of them? And what are the motives of the non-profits and party hacks encouraging this dangerous trip? Is it more federal money and population representation for the sanctuary cities in blue states? We Americans have a right to a secure border--we have interfered in the political and civil issues of virtually every country in the world, yet we can't have a say in our own?
Democrats/Progressives/socialists and Marxists who are fighting this are not compassionate, caring or looking out for immigrants. They don't want us to be a country. The so-called wall is just their poster child.
“The Secure Fence Act of 2006
budgeted $50 billion over 25 years to control America's borders. Unfortunately, Congress appropriated only $1.4 billion and forgot about the rest. The foreign aid request above was for one single year. Two years of the foreign aid budget spent instead on U.S. border security would create the type of physical borders so common in the countries we are generously supporting.
Fund the world, but not America.”
Labels: federal budget, President Donald J. Trump, Secure Fence Act of 2006, The Wall
# posted by Norma : 1/09/2019 03:04:00 PM

Friday, November 30, 2018
Who is financing the Caravan from Central America?
There are many organizations contributing to the misery and illnesses of the people in the so-called Caravan, demanding entry, benefits and rights at our border. They were lured there with promises of jobs and assistance and they are sitting in the mud, and some have assaulted the border guards. Several hundred have returned home realizing they've been conned.
Centro Sin Fronteras Community Services Network, is a 501(c)(3) illegal immigration activist organization based in Chicago
La Familia Latina Unida (“The United Latin Family”) is a Chicago, Illinois-based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano.
The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) appears to be a project of La Familia Latina Unida.
By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), a far-left agitation group.
The article at the above link includes details, finances, individuals and churches involved. It's not just fake news, but a media lie that this was not an organized assault funded by various groups in the U.S. This is like recruiting Democrat voters from other countries.
# posted by Norma : 11/30/2018 03:06:00 PM